Ways to earn 35 PDU PMP training certificate prior to PMP Certification

Is it mandatory to attend courses from Authorised Training Providers (ATP) of PMI to qualify for PMP certification?

The good news is ‘No’. One can attend any instructor led course or self paced course covering the course content recommended by PMI with an end of the course formal assessment. That means, one can attend;

  • Training programs conducted by Universities
  • Training programs conducted by independent training organizations
  • Training programs offered by PMI Chapters
  • Self paced training programs offered by online education providers like coursera etc

In a nutshell, any course which satisfies the following criteria will qualify;

  • Must be of or above 35 hours duration
  • Must be formal
  • Must be supervised by a supervisor / mentor
  • Must cover the PMP syllabus
  • Must have an end of the course formal assessment with certificate

Here is the snapshot of our chat with PMI to verify which substantiates this;