There is no Planet-B, an eye opener incident

Last week, Mr. Daniel, the CEO of Wrench Solutions, inquired about my perspective on global warming and climate change. Initially, I held a dismissive view, underestimating their impact on the daily lives of ordinary citizens, assuming these issues wouldn’t affect those who may not witness their long-term consequences. However, my perception underwent a significant shift during my five-year-old grandson’s Christmas vacation in Kerala, where he hesitated to explore due to unusually high temperatures and humidity. Traditionally, December attracted visitors from cooler regions to Kerala, renowned as “God’s own country” for its lush greenery. This norm has changed. This simple incident, coupled with the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, shattered my perception of global warming and climate change as distant possibilities, making me realize their tangible and immediate effects on our lives. This triggered this article.

Greenhouse effect and Global warmng

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. It involves the trapping of heat in the Earth’s atmosphere by certain gases known as greenhouse gases.
Solar radiation from the sun reaches the Earth. The Earth’s surface absorbs some of this energy and then radiates it back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and water vapor, absorb and re-emit some of this infrared radiation. This process traps heat in the atmosphere, preventing it from escaping into space. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth’s average temperature would be much colder, making it inhospitable for life as we know it.

Global warming

Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth’s average surface temperature. It is primarily driven by human activities that increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), deforestation, and certain industrial processes, release large amounts of greenhouse gases. This enhanced release amplifies the natural greenhouse effect. The additional greenhouse gases trap more heat, leading to an overall warming of the Earth’s surface. This warming trend has been observed over the past century and is a major component of contemporary climate change. The consequences of global warming include rising sea levels, more frequent and intense heatwaves, changes in precipitation patterns, and shifts in ecosystems, among other impacts.

Image Courtesy – Wikipedia

Effects of global warming

  • Temperature Rise: One of the most significant trends is the overall increase in global temperatures. The Earth’s average surface temperature has been rising over the past century, with the last few decades experiencing more accelerated warming. This is a clear indication of the impact of human activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases.
  • Extreme Weather Events: There has been an observed increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including heatwaves, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and wildfires. These events are consistent with climate models’ predictions and are impacting various regions worldwide.
  • Melting Ice and Glaciers: The warming climate is contributing to the melting of ice caps and glaciers in polar and mountainous regions. This melting has implications for rising sea levels, threatening coastal areas and island nations.
  • Sea Level Rise: As temperatures rise, thermal expansion and the melting of ice contribute to sea level rise. This trend poses a significant threat to low-lying coastal areas, leading to increased risks of flooding and erosion.
  • Ocean Warming: The world’s oceans are absorbing much of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases. This has led to ocean warming, impacting marine ecosystems, coral reefs, and fisheries.
  • Arctic Amplification: The Arctic region is experiencing more rapid warming compared to the global average, a phenomenon known as Arctic amplification. This has consequences for the region’s ecosystems, wildlife, and indigenous communities.
  • Changes in Precipitation Patterns: Climate change is influencing rainfall patterns, resulting in shifts in the timing, intensity, and distribution of precipitation. Some areas are experiencing more intense rainfall and flooding, while others face prolonged droughts.
  • Ocean Acidification: Increased absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans is leading to ocean acidification. This can have detrimental effects on marine life, particularly organisms with calcium carbonate shells or skeletons, such as corals and certain shellfish.
  • Thawing Permafrost: In colder regions, permafrost is thawing, releasing stored carbon and methane into the atmosphere. This contributes to a positive feedback loop, as these greenhouse gases further contribute to global warming.
  • Species Range Shifts: Many plant and animal species are undergoing shifts in their geographic ranges as they respond to changing climate conditions. Some are moving towards higher latitudes or elevations in search of suitable habitats.

Key Contributors to Global Warming and Climate Change

  • Burning of Fossil Fuels: The combustion of fossil fuels for energy is a major source of carbon dioxide emissions. Power plants, industrial facilities, and transportation (cars, planes, and ships) release substantial amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.
  • Deforestation: Trees act as carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 during photosynthesis. Deforestation, or the clearing of large forested areas, reduces the number of trees available to absorb CO2, contributing to higher atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.
  • Industrial Processes: Certain industrial activities release not only CO2 but also other potent greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide. For example, agricultural practices, including livestock farming and rice cultivation, can produce significant methane emissions.
  • Land Use Changes: Alterations in land use, such as urbanization and changes in agricultural practices, can influence local and regional climates. Urban heat islands, for instance, result from increased heat absorption and retention in urban areas.
  • Waste Management: Improper waste management, especially the decomposition of organic waste in landfills, generates methane emissions. Additionally, the incineration of waste materials can release greenhouse gases.

It’s important to note that while natural factors can influence the climate, the current trend of global warming and climate change is largely attributed to human activities. Efforts to mitigate these impacts involve reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and implementing sustainable practices across various sectors.

In conclusion, the phrase “There is no Planet B” serves as a stark reminder of the unique and irreplaceable nature of our home, Earth. As we witness the impacts of climate change, environmental degradation, and the depletion of natural resources, it becomes increasingly clear that we must act collectively to preserve and protect the only planet we have. Embracing sustainable practices, conserving biodiversity, and addressing climate change are not just choices; they are imperative for the well-being of current and future generations. By acknowledging the absence of an alternative planet, we emphasize the responsibility we bear to be stewards of Earth, fostering a commitment to sustainable living and environmental stewardship for the sake of our shared home.

Why PMP certified professionals earn 16% more than their counterparts?

Projects are considered as successful, if they are completed on time, within budget, met the scope and achieved the business objectives of the project. How do we really achieve Poject sucess?


  • Right Project Selection – If the project does not have a strong business case, it will fail eventually


  • Right project execution strategy (Agile, Waterfall, Hybrid) – A wrong project execution strategy can fail a project. For example, projects where scope is not clear, techno;ogy is new calls for agile / iterative development, till there is clarity. Once clarity is established, the rest of the project can follow waterfall or hybrid.
  • Right tools & techniques (Scheduling, Estimation, Project Management Information Systems) – On many occassions projects fail becuase the right tools are not used effectively.
  • Developing the subsidiary plans – Generally speaking, nothing good happens in projects without proper planning. For project success, one need to plan the following;
    • Quality management plan
    • Communications management plan
    • Procurement management plan
    • Resource management plan
    • Risk management plan
    • Schedule management plan
    • Stakeholder management plan
    • Change management plan
    • Configuration management plan
  • Developing the integrated project plan – For monitoring and controlling at a project level, all the subsidiary plans and the various other lower level plans must be integrated into a cohesive integrated project plan.


  • Executing the project as per the plan
  • Corrective and preventive actions

Monitoring & Controlling

  • Lag indicators
    • Schedule variance
    • Schedule performance index
    • Cost variance
    • Cost performance index
    • Scope variance
    • Quality issues
    • Risks occured
  • Lead indicators
    • Estmated date of completion (work package, milestone, project)
    • Estimated cost at completion
    • Anticipated risks


  • Closing phase
  • Closing project
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) is the most popular project management certification in the world. Right now, there are more than 1400000 PMP certfied professionals across the World. According to PMI Survey, PMP certified project professionals earn 16% more than their counterparts who are not PMP Certified.
  • The PMP certification is based on the Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK) by Project Management Institute (PMI,USA) . The PMBOK covers;
    • Predictive Project Management (Waterfall)
    • Agile Project Management (Adaptive)
    • Hybrid Project Management
  • Before applying for the PMP Certification, it is mandatory to attend 35 hours of formal project management training based on PMBOK.



Exam content

People (42%)

  • Manage conflict
  • Lead a team
  • Support team performance
  • Empower team members and stakeholders
  • Build a team
  • Address and remove impediments
  • Negotiate
  • Collaborate with stakeholders
  • Build shared understanding
  • Engage and support virtual teams
  • Define team ground rules
  • Mentor relevant stakeholders
  • Application of emotional intelligence to improve team performance

Process (50%)

  • Execute project with the urgency required to deliver business value
  • Manage communications
  • Assess and manage project risks
  • Engage stakeholders
  • Plan and manage budget and resources
  • Plan and manage schedule
  • Plan and manage quality
  • Plan and manage scope
  • Integrate project planning activities
  • Manage project changes
  • Plan and manage procurements
  • Manage project artifacts
  • Determine appropriate project methodology
  • Establisg project governance structure
  • Manage project issues
  • Ensure knowledge transfer
  • Plan and manage project/phase closure or transitions

Business environment (8%)

  • Plan and manage project compliance (EHS)
  • Evaluate and deliver project benefits and value
  • Evaluate and address external business environment changes for impact on scope
  • Support organizational change
  • They understand the critical parameters that must be monitored and controlled for project success
  • They understand the building blocks and their inter-relationships for monitoring and controlling the lead and lag indicators
  • They understand the need for Project Management Information Systems
  • They understand the globally accepted project management vocabulary, hence can communicate better
  • PMP certification is an endorsement for minimum viable professional project management knowledge to be effective in larger projects

Preperation for PMP with a right balance of theory and practice will tremendously crash the learning curve to master professional project management based on a globally recognized standard (PMBOK).

To learn more about the PMdistilled PMP Preperation Program, Click here

Ways to earn 35 PDU PMP training certificate prior to PMP Certification

Is it mandatory to attend courses from Authorised Training Providers (ATP) of PMI to qualify for PMP certification?

The good news is ‘No’. One can attend any instructor led course or self paced course covering the course content recommended by PMI with an end of the course formal assessment. That means, one can attend;

  • Training programs conducted by Universities
  • Training programs conducted by independent training organizations
  • Training programs offered by PMI Chapters
  • Self paced training programs offered by online education providers like coursera etc

In a nutshell, any course which satisfies the following criteria will qualify;

  • Must be of or above 35 hours duration
  • Must be formal
  • Must be supervised by a supervisor / mentor
  • Must cover the PMP syllabus
  • Must have an end of the course formal assessment with certificate

Here is the snapshot of our chat with PMI to verify which substantiates this;

Professional Project Management as a core competency for all managers

Recently I had the opportunity to train a group of young and dynamic MBA final year students who elected project management as their elective. The syllabus comprised of Predictive, Agile and Hybrid Project Management. Contrary to the earlier batches, the students with engineering background in this batch was less. That prompted me to think about the relevance of professional project management to all managers or would be managers, irrespective of their educational background. What is the core skill that is required to be successful as a manager?. What differentiates a manager from an individual contributor. It is definitely the ability to get things as per specifications (requirements) on time and within budget through a team. This is the skill every successful manager should posses. That realisation helped the whole team, including me to attribute a bigger and relevant cause to the program. The realization of the relevance of professional project management as a core skill for all managers / would be managers, to succeed in todays challenging professional environments bonded us together for almost 30 hours spread across 30 days, and hopefully the mentoring will continue.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the program

  • Proactive stakeholder management is key to success
  • Everything starts with defining the deliverables using a product breakdown structure
  • Without a work breakdown structure, accurate estimates are impossible. Even project strategy can be flawed
  • A well defined work breakdown structure will help to negotiate better for resources and cost. Without a WBS, one will never be able to defend their estimates.
  • Projects do not fail at the end. Projects fail at the beginning, due to incomplete scope definition, improper scope management. The failure will get revealed towards the end.
  • Without the knowledge of critical path, it is impossible to control the schedule
  • Relying on lead indicators (forecasts) help managers to be pro-active than reactive
  • These days projects are neither completely agile or predictive. Most of the projects rely on hybrid approaches
  • The co-location of teams is no more practical. Majority of the projects have distributed / work from home (wfh) teams, hence collaboration tools like Jira (Agile), SmartProject (Predictive Project Management / Digital PMO) is important
  • In a nutshell, all managers (rather all professionals) will benefit phenomenally by applying relevant project management practices for goal achievement on time, within budget and with stakeholder satisfaction / delight

About the blogger

Abrachan Pudusserry is an highly qualified and experienced professional with in-depth understanding about professional project management (Agile, Predictive, Hybrid). He is one of the founding members of Project Management Research Institute. He is also heading Wrench Academy, the education of division of Wrench Solutions, the makers of SmartProject Digital PMO. He is also a visiting faculty at XIME.

Addressing Climate Change through better Project, Program and Portfolio Management

Addressing climate change through better project, program, and portfolio management is crucial for achieving meaningful environmental sustainability and mitigating its impacts. Here are steps and strategies to effectively integrate climate change considerations into your management practices:

  1. Understanding Climate Change: Start by educating yourself and your team about the science and impacts of climate change. Stay up-to-date with the latest research and trends in climate science, policy, and technology.
  2. Establish Climate Goals and Targets: Clearly define your organization’s climate-related goals and targets. These could include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy sources, or adopting sustainable practices.
  3. Integrate Climate Change into Strategy: Align your organization’s strategy with climate change goals. Ensure that climate considerations are integrated into your strategic planning process. Consider how climate risks and opportunities may affect your organization’s long-term viability.
  4. Green Project Selection: When developing your project portfolio, prioritize initiatives that contribute to climate mitigation or adaptation. Consider factors such as carbon reduction potential, resource efficiency, and resilience to climate impacts.
  5. Lifecycle Assessments: Conduct lifecycle assessments for projects to evaluate their environmental impacts from inception to disposal. This helps identify opportunities for reducing carbon emissions and resource consumption.
  6. Stakeholder Engagement: Involve stakeholders, including employees, customers, and community members, in climate-related decisions. Their input can provide valuable insights and build support for climate initiatives.
  7. Risk Assessment: Assess and manage climate-related risks to your projects and programs. Identify vulnerabilities to changing weather patterns, regulatory changes, or supply chain disruptions.
  8. Sustainable Procurement: Consider sustainability criteria when procuring goods and services for your projects. Choose suppliers and contractors that have strong environmental and social responsibility practices.
  9. Resource Efficiency: Implement resource-efficient practices in project and program management. This includes reducing waste, optimizing energy use, and conserving water.
  10. Renewable Energy: Transition to renewable energy sources for your operations and projects. This can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  11. Climate-Resilient Design: Design projects and infrastructure to be climate-resilient. Consider the potential impacts of extreme weather events and rising sea levels when planning and constructing.
  12. Monitoring and Reporting: Establish robust monitoring and reporting systems to track progress toward climate goals. Regularly report on key performance indicators related to carbon emissions, energy use, and other relevant metrics.
  13. Continuous Improvement: Continuously evaluate and improve your climate management practices. Learn from both successes and failures to refine your approach.
  14. Regulatory Compliance: Stay informed about climate-related regulations and compliance requirements in your region. Ensure that your projects and programs meet these standards.
  15. Invest in Innovation: Encourage innovation within your organization to develop and implement new technologies and practices that can help address climate change more effectively.
  16. Education and Training: Provide training and education for your project, program, and portfolio managers to ensure they have the knowledge and skills needed to address climate change effectively.
  17. Collaboration: Collaborate with other organizations, governments, and NGOs working on climate-related initiatives. Share best practices and leverage collective resources to amplify your impact.
  18. Transparency and Accountability: Be transparent about your climate efforts and hold your organization accountable for meeting its climate commitments.

Addressing climate change through project, program, and portfolio management is an ongoing process that requires dedication, collaboration, and adaptability. By integrating climate considerations into your management practices, you can contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future.

Construction Project Management – Theory & Practice 2nd Edition

Project Management Research Institute highly recommend this book “Construction Project Management – Theory & Practice” by Prof Kumar Neeraj Jha as one of the reference books for mastering Construction Project Management This is one of the best books available about Construction Project Management with relevance to the Indian Construction industry.


  • Introduction
  • Project organization
  • Construction economics
  • Clients estimation of project cost
  • Construction contract
  • Construction planning
  • Project scheduling & resource levelling
  • Contractors estimation of cost & bidding strategy
  • Construction equipment management
  • Construction accounts management
  • Construction material management
  • Project cost and value management
  • Construction quality management
  • Risk and insurance in construction
  • Construction safety management
  • Project monitoring & control system
  • Construction claims, disputes and project closure
  • Computer applications in scheduling, resource levelling, monitoring & reporting
  • Factors behind the success of a construction project
  • Linear programming in construction management
  • Transportation, trans-shipment and Assignment problems

Here is the amazon link

80/20 Principle – The principle with ever increasing use cases

With the innumerable opportunities to get diverted from what is relevant, I have seen many successful and not that successful organizations, teams and individuals working very hard on the irrevelant and getting buried there. The 80/20 principle or the Pareto Principle is for those who are willing to pause a while before jumping into action. Though many have written about Pareto principle and analysis before, I thought of writing this blog post for the benefit of many who plunge into action on irrelevant projects, indicators than on the relevant ones. There is time for everything, if we can prioritize, eliminate, delegate and decide on the mosr relevant work we ahould be doing.

Pareto Principle or the 80/20 Principle

The 80/20 principle or the Pareto Principle by Vilfredo Pareto in the year 1896 is the one which is always heard in all walks of life, time and again even after a century of its discovery. Last week I heard it in our senior management review when one of the senior managers used 80/20 to highlight the need to focus on the 20% of the customers contributing to 80% of the revenues. The use cases of 80:20 or the pareto principle is innumerable. Here are some;

  • By eliminating 20% of the root causes we can eliminate 80% of the defects in a product
  • 20% of the customers contribute to 80% of the revenue. It makes sense to focus on this 20% of the customers.
  • 80% of the customers uses 20% of the features of the products. The remaining 80% of the features are used only by 20% of the customers.
  • By focusing on 20% of the project health indicators proactively, 80% of the problems can be eliminated / prevented.
  • 20% of unhealthy practices contribute to 80% of the productivity loss. By controlling this 20% percentage of unhealthy practices, productivity can be improved phenominally.
  • 20% of the workforce does 80% of the work. Remaining 80% does only 20% of the work
  • 20% of the work we do produces 80% of the results. The remaining 80% of the work produces only 20% of the results.
  • During 20% of our worktime, we complete 80% of our work. During the remaining 80% of our work time, we complete only 20% of work.
  • Only 20% of the projects yield the desired results, 80% of the projects do not yield desired results.

Pareto analysis

Here are the steps involved in performing Pareto Analysis;

  • Identify the probable rootcauses – The best ways to do this is to brainstorm with the team to identify potential rootcauses leading to the situation. Ishikawa diagram or the Fishbone diagram can help to do structured brainstorming to arrive at the potential root causes.
  • Frequency of occurrence – With the help of data, identify how many times each rootcause occurred, resulting in the outcome.
  • Order on frequency – List the root causes based on the frequency of their occurrenece (in the descending order)
  • Prioritize and take action – Identify the 20% of root causes contributing to the 80% of occurrences. By controlling these 20% of the root causes, 80% of the problems can be eliminated.

80/20 at a personal level

Can be effectively used at a personal level to;

  • Eliminate unproductive activities
  • Focus on strengths
  • Finding time to work on Important and not urgent projects